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Generation Y – “The Millenials” are here.

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Who might buy your house?  Who is out there in great numbers becoming our workforce right now?  The Millenials – the people born between 1980 – 1995.  What are some of their characteristics so you know who you need to appeal to? 

Millenials are a tech savvy bunch having grown up with computers, cell phone, text messaging and multi-tasking as an everyday function.  They were doted on by their parents, part of team sports, mommy & me groups, and laden with trophies from participating in sports where there were no winners or losers.  Their priorities are simple – they come first.  So how does one prepare to sell their home to a “Millenial, Generation Y’er?”

First of all, you need to reach this group via tech savvy marketing materials – posts on blogs, Facebook, Tweet’s on Twitter, and other internet based marketing.  Traditional flyers and newspaper ads don’t titillate this group.  That means great (not just good) photos and virtual tours are a must for this group.  It must be “app-able” for the phone.

Millenials are very clever, resourceful and hard-working.  They also know what they want and see no reason why they shouldn’t have it.  Buying a home at an early age does not discourage them, especially in today’s “buyer’s market.”  They are happy to throw out a “low-ball” and see no other way to get a property for the price “they” want to pay.  As a seller, you must not be discouraged and take these offers personally.  Any offer is a good place to start the negotiating process.  It is important to remember this, as the Millenials are happy to keep searching.  They will walk away from a good job if they feel the circumstances are not right, so a home purchase is not any different.

Millenials are “family oriented” and “tech savvy.”   They often want to work from home, so a home office is important to the Generation Y’er.  Keep this in mind when preparing your home for sale.  If you have an extra space in the house that is being un-used, it would be a good idea to stage it as a home office showing off your wireless computer technology is also a good idea.