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Historical Hollywood Riviera Real Estate Market Trends 2000-2010

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Hollywood Riviera Average Sold Prices 2000-2010

The graphs show a 10 year history of Average Sales Prices & the Number of Homes Sold here in the Hollywood
Riviera.  As you can see back in 2000 the average sales price was $561,000 and 143 homes sold that year – wow that’s more than 11 homes sold per month!  Over the next 6 years the average price continually rose until it hit it’s high in 2007 of $1,139,000; that is a 51% increase in those 6 years!  2003-2004 was the year that had the largest gain with a 24% increase in average price that year $777,000 up to $1,015,000.  The number of homes sold is almost half of what it was back in 2000 with only 77 selling in 2010 vs. the 143 back in 2000.  Looking at the graph really gives you a good visual of the small drop in average price we’ve really had over the last 3 years.  We really are lucky!

Number of Homes Sold in the Hollywood Riviera 2000-2010