Hollywood Riviera – the price difference between the two zip codes (90277 vs 90505)

Yes, there is a price difference between the two zip codes in the Hollywood Riviera. The Riviera neighborhood is all located in the city of Torrance, however, part of it has a Redondo Beach address (90277) that actually is used for your mail and the address found in the tax records. Most of the 90277 homes are actually located closer to the beach thus their location is a bit better than the 90505 homes for that specific reason alone. But, there is that “I want to tell people that I live in Redondo Beach and not Torrance” part of the deal that is inferred.
The numbers don’t lie is the bottom line.
This year alone, since January 1st, 2016 until today, October 2nd, 2016 – there have been 37 homes sold on the 90505 side of the Hollywood Riviera. The average price of the homes sold on the Torrance/90505 side is $1,047,244. The average dollars per square foot of those homes is $589/per foot. The lowest priced home on this 90505 side was $670,000. The highest price home sold on the Torrance side was $1,725,000.
Using this same time frame, there have been 40 single family homes sold on the Redondo Beach/90277 side of the Hollywood Riviera. The average price of the Redondo Beach/90277 side is $1,474,675. The average dollars per square foot of those homes is $719/per foot. The lowest priced home sold on the 90277 side of the Riviera this year was $955,000 and the highest priced home was sold for $5,300,000 – if we take this one out, the next highest priced sale was $2,250,000.
As you can plainly see, there is a big difference between the two addresses here in the Hollywood Riviera. And it’s all Torrance mind you, even if you have the clearly more expensive 90277 address. It’s only an address, but clearly there is a lot of value in saying you live in ‘Redondo Beach.’
Let’s take two very similar homes – one on each side that sold this year – for examples:
- 3868 Bluff St, Torrance, CA 90505 – 1752 sq ft – all remodeled ( no views) – sold for $1,053,500 in summer 2016
- 249 Calle de Madrid, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 – 1512 sq ft – all remodeled (no views) sold for $1,222,000 in summer 2016
The Torrance address home is actually bigger, yet still sold for quite a bit less than a similar home on the Redondo Beach side.
If you have any questions regarding homes in the Hollywood Riviera, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Kelly & Laura
(310) 613-2465
(310) 738-7355